What a difference a Year makes in Newbiggin by the Sea

Newbiggin by the Sea Bay

What a difference a year makes!

In January 2020, people in Newbiggin by the Sea were in warm, sunny climes enjoying a holiday abroad with people from across Europe. Having escaped the winter weather of the North East for two weeks they returned home to resume busy lives with work and family and friends.

Fast forward a year and we are at home sharing the North East winter weather with everyone else.

At the same time, we are grateful that we have avoided the dreadful plague that has descended upon our world and everyone else’s world.

Like so many others we now only see our family and friends on a computer.

In common with individuals and families across the globe, we monitor the advances and retreats of the Covid infections and mortal consequences.

Like everyone else, the Residents and Visitors to Newbiggin by the Sea long for an end to the recommended restrictions that we are all asked to live by.

But, in the United Kingdom, we have the huge benefit of living in a Western democracy where we are asked to accept the Covid avoidance regulations.

Where we can be fairly sure that the information we receive about the pandemic, is truthful and

Where we can be sure that the thousands of people working in our Government institutions are acting in our best interests.

That is not the case in every part of the world.

The Lockdowns and restrictions make life so hard for many individuals and families.

Our gratitude is due to all those who are doing their best to alleviate the distress and grief that has descended on so many. Most of us are aware of people who have had their lives scarred with illness and worse.

Thankfully, we are also aware of the quiet unspoken humanity that is exhibited daily towards those who can benefit from unrewarded acts and deeds of kindness.

I am glad to live in Newbiggin by the Sea, our small seaside Town in the United Kingdom this January and be witness to goodness.


James Alan Thompson. 31st January 2021

Other links:

Newbiggin by the Sea Strategic Plan

Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council


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