House of Lords Report

House of Lords

House of Lords Report for Newbiggin by the Sea

Mr Alan Thompson – written evidence (RST0008)
What are the challenges facing seaside towns and communities?

Our challenge is that we have little business activity. We have old housing stock and 80% of our residents live in Band A Council Tax property. Almost 1000 homes are excluded from Council tax.

1. Why have such challenges persisted?

Answer: Because over a period of 40 years from the mid-seventies institutionalised political neglect of the physical and social environment failed to recognise and address the problems. The progress that has been made is largely community driven with co-operation from non-local authority organisations. Wansbeck District Council was abolished in 2009 and progress since then has improved significantly.

2. Research

Millions of pounds have been spent on consultants reports that identified the problems. The vision and knowledge required to address the problems was not available within the Local Government.

3. Housing

As stated we have had little investment in housing until recently. Thankfully there is now a demand for upmarket housing as the reputation on the community improves.

4. Demographics

Ageing population creates an opportunity for older people to live at the seaside where there are opportunities for leisure and visiting family.

5. Connectivity

Good communication is essential for economic prosperity. Many seaside locations are some distance from the main highways. Easy access and inclusion in future planning is needed to provide good communications.

6. Visitor economy

In the first half of the last century Newbiggin by the Sea was one of the most popular seaside resorts in the North East. Many of those making their wealth on Tyneside built summer homes along the seafront. With the investment already identified the popularity can be restored. The visitor economy is an essential element for the future prosperity of the community.

7. Regeneration

Our community has no economy other than a few shops in the town centre. Since the beach was replaced in 2007 visitor numbers have increased. Visitors are surprised by the layout of the bay and fail to understand why there is so little activity in the bay. Just as the beach had a transformational effect so would

a Harbour/Marina. Other seaside towns and communities get far more visitors because they have a Harbour/Marina. An attempt is currently being made; this could make Newbiggin by the Sea become the leisure vessel Capital of the North East. Sea related activities are very attractive and there will be an increasing demand.

Economic prosperity is dependent on the volume of disposable income.

8. Social and economic regeneration

This is dependent on having local voluntary organisations that have individuals with the skills to organise events and maintain a rota of gatherings and projects. A balanced mix of housing is more likely to deliver the availability of competence.

9. Role of Local Business

Traders Associations can play a significant part in organising events. This brings in more visitors and customers and contributes to the feeling of wellbeing in the community. Newbiggin by the Sea Town Council makes a financial contribution to events organised by the Traders.

10. Education health and Wellbeing

The performance of education in our schools is partly dependent on the housing mix. In Newbiggin by the Sea there is now only one school, a Primary for 5 to 11 year olds. The key stage 2 results this summer (2018) were 81% which outperformed schools in prosperous towns like Morpeth. Part of this success is down to a local Charitable Trust that pays for four external tutors to get children involved with music. The project began six years ago when it was difficult to get the children to engage. Almost one hundred pupils played instruments or sang at a recent school concert. This very successful contribution to the personal development of the children is delivered for a cost of about £12,000.00 per annum. The Trust wishes to make a similar impact through sport and horticulture which are, like music, now global industries. The ethos of the school is transformed.

11. Health Conditions

The avoidance of poor health can be assisted by engaging children, particularly those in Primary education, in music, sport, horticulture etc through Tutors. Many children grow up with no involvement in cultural and other ‘character building’ activities.

12. Delivery structures

Newbiggin by the Sea has yet to benefit from the Coastal Communities Fund. Two applications from NEWBIGGIN DEVELOPMENT TRUST are pending.

13. Vision

Vision is often in short supply. The pursuit of prosperity and opportunity depends upon a plan that recognises the assets currently available that can be better used and the delivery of new assets that satisfy an identified market or solution. You cannot take your car to the garage unless someone provides a garage. You cannot put your boat in the Marina unless someone builds a Marina.

14. Supporting regeneration

There are now opportunities to access finance to deliver regeneration. It is sometimes difficult to satisfy the criteria and sometimes the grant available is insufficient. There is also an issue with deadlines that are impractical for some projects.

15. Role of local people.

Progress depends upon local leadership. Most people know what they do not want but are less sure about what they do want. The internet can be the most effective way of engaging with the public. It can also be very damaging when ill advised information is broadcast. When the public are properly informed they make a sensible judgement. Most of the progress made in Newbiggin by the Sea has been community led.

16. Models for regeneration

Project development and delivery can usually only be done with the co-operation of the Town and Parish Council and in the case of Northumberland, the County Council. Central Government will not accept solutions that are not agreed with local authorities. Where the elected authorities are objective the system works; where political party advantage plays a part, the community suffers and the people who can deliver generally give up.

An effective way to engage is to identify every organisation, church and pub within the community and ask them to send a representative to meet with the project organisers. The message can then be relayed to the members of each group.

Summary of the past and future

The situation in Newbiggin by the Sea (NbtS) is unique because the economic and social decline evidenced in other seaside communities was compounded by the impact on the environment from underground coal extraction. Sea bed and land subsidence resulted in coastal erosion. Colliery waste was deposited in the Sea to the North and washed up along our shore line and untreated domestic waste from other settlements was deposited in our bay which became a sewer. In high winds dry fuel ash from the Alcan Power Station was deposited on the housing stock. The reputation of Newbiggin by the Sea was at its Nadir, crime was an issue and the population declined as people moved away.

In 1990 Northumbrian Water built a waste treatment plant, the waste was diverted and now we have clean water in the bay. In 1990 Newbiggin by the Sea became a ‘smokeless zone’. When mining ceased the colliery waste problem stopped. In 2007 the beach was replaced.

We now have a replacement beach and clean water. Dolphins seals, porpoise and sometimes whales are in evidence. The community has a Dolphin Watch Organisation with over 1000 members.

Some 300 hard to let houses were demolished and the local Housing Association has built new homes in landscaped areas. Developers are now considering building sites. The level of crime is now very low. The community has a recorded history from Saxon times and exceptional natural assets.

Now, at last with a new beach, blue flag seawater and community driven projects the future is brighter as people from across the country and abroad are beginning to settle here. We now need identified infrastructure to make our fragile economy a vibrant economy.

There is now an ambition to make Newbiggin by the Sea the Leisure Vessel Capital of the North East. This would deliver a national asset and transform the fortunes of the community by offering a facility that will serve future generations as Artificial Intelligence and other technologies and new lifestyles evolve.

The community of Newbiggin by the Sea has exported many exceptionally talented people who exploit their skills elsewhere. The vision is to create a society that can accommodate them.

The potential for Newbiggin by the Sea to be a very prosperous and desirable location is immense.

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